Viz Social User Guide

Version 1.1 | Published January 26, 2022 ©

Nested Carousel

The functionality of the Nested Carousel is divided over the parent Carousel and its child Carousels.

Parent Carousel

The parent Carousel is where the incoming feed is handled. In the parent Carousel, the child Carousels are visible as targets in the right column. Initially, the child Carousels are empty and all posts from the configured source are contained in parent Carousel. By selecting one or more posts in the middle column and clicking on one of the targets in the right column, the selected posts are routed towards this target. Alternatively, drag and drop can also be used to copy/move posts from parent Carousels into one or more child Carousels. The copy/move option in the right top corner determines whether posts continue to live in the middle column (copy) after this or not (move). In copy mode, the posts continue to be available for routing towards other targets.

The middle column of the parent Carousel supports the same auxiliary functionality as the middle column of a regular Carousel. Hence, filtering, exporting, editing, removal, manual insertion and linking of posts are all applicable here as well.

Child Carousel

The child Carousels are connected to external destinations, and this is where the routed messages from the parent Carousel end up. The core task is of the moderator here is to select which of the received posts should be published and in what order. This process is exactly the same as for a regular Carousel, including the possibility that the third column operates in auto-moderate and/or auto-publishing mode.

Just like the parent Carousel, the full set of auxiliary functions and View options can be used in the middle column to search economically for the best possible posts, and to edit them if needed. In case the same post was routed to multiple targets, it is important to know that when a post is edited in or deleted from a child Carousel, that same post remains unmodified in other child Carousels or Formats.