Gateway Administrator Guide

Version 5.6 | Published May 15, 2024 ©

Installing Database Client

This section describes how to install and test the Oracle Database Client version 19c. For further documentation, please see the Oracle Documentation website:

This section has more information about these topics:

Also see the Oracle software and documentation.


  • Before installing Gateway, check the language settings for the Oracle Database Client. The National Language Support (NLS_LANG) parameter must be the same as on the Vizrt database.

  • If there is an existing Oracle Database Client installed, create a backup of the tnsnames.ora file.

  • Remove any previous or older versions of the client.

  • Acquire the archive of the Oracle Database Client version 19c. See Oracle documentation for information about obtaining the software.

Installing the Oracle Database Client

Note: The installation procedure below is according to Oracle Database Client version 19c. References to other versions can be found on the Oracle web site.

  1. Log on as a member of the Administrators group to the computer on which to install Oracle components. For installations on a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) or a Backup Domain Controller (BDC), log on as a member of the Domain Administrators group.

  2. Extract the Oracle Database Client to an appropriate folder, for example "C:\oracle"

  3. Double-click the installer (setup.exe).

  4. Follow the instructions to install the Oracle Database Client. The default settings during install should be suitable.

    Note: Do not use the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA) unless there are specific client connection configuration needs. Using the NetCA is beyond the scope of this guide.

  5. After completing the installation, make sure that the correct language settings are configured. See section Language Settings for the Oracle Database Client.

Language Setting for the Oracle Database Client

  1. Start the Registry Editor (regedit) from the Start menu.

    • Open the Start menu, enter regedit, and open the Registry Editor.

  2. Open the path \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY...<version>.


  3. Double-click the registry setting for NLS_LANG.

  4. Edit the string and change it to AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8, and click OK.

    Note: To help give Vizrt customers the best possible support, American English is chosen as the default language for log messages.

Testing the Installation

  1. Start a command-line tool, and type the following:

    sqlplus userid/password@tnsname
  2. If a TNS name alias is not configured, it is also possible to use an easyconnect string:

    sqlplus userid/password@hostname/SID
  3. Check that the output is similar to the example output below:

    > sqlplus pilot/pilot@VIZRTDB
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Mar 18 15:33:22 2024
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Last Successful login time: Mon Mar 11 2024 14:44:58 +01:00
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 19c Standard Edition 2 Release - Production

See Also