Graphics Plugin Administrator Guide

Version 2.1 | Published October 06, 2017 ©

Current Software Limitations

There are limitations to what a Graphics Plugin solution can do compared to a full SDI in-and-out Viz Engine renderer.

These are the general Graphics Plugin limitations on both Windows and Mac:

  • Media Sequencer 1.19 and later, Viz Engine 3, and Connection Broker 3.0 and later, do not announce their presence on the computer network. The Graphics Plugin configuration tool will therefore not automatically discover these services.

These are the specific Graphics Plugin limitations on Windows only:

  • For Avid installations, not all Graphics Plugin versions prior to 1.5 are automatically removed when upgrading.

These are the specific Graphics Plugin limitations on Mac only:

  • It is only possible to input text, change numeric values, and select images/geometries/fonts/materials. There is no support for input of boolean values. There is no support for editing ControlList/Tables or Scrolls. However, the editor can pick up Viz Trio pages created using a regular Viz Trio, and render them, even though they may have these field types.

  • The Graphics Plugin Editor cannot create shows and import scenes, so you must use Viz Trio 2.6 or later to create shows and import scenes for the Graphics Plugin Editor to use.

  • It is not possible to select images from a local path in the Graphics Plugin Editor.