Viz Engine

Version 3.9.2 | Published January 22, 2018 ©

Licensing for VM hosted engines

Viz Engine running on a virtual environment requires a special WiBu License. This will detect if the engine is running in a Virtual Environment and will enable all features except 3rd Party plugins like RTT, Substance Shader etc.
The required WiBu Runtime Software comes with the Artist Bundle installer and is mandatory.

To verify if the license is applied correctly, please check the license information dialog:


Only WiBu licenses provided through a CodeMeter Runtime license server are used (network shared licenses). WiBu Dongle and WiBu file licenses are ignored.
If a WiBu License is found and bound it sticks to this license container and can only be changed by a restart of the Viz Engine.

The CodeMeter Runtime service in version 6.40 must be installed and running to use the new WiBu license system. Do not use newer versions (e.g. 6.50), as issues were observed during testing related to proper VM detection.

The license system performs an auto-discovery of license servers when no license server is configured in the Codemeter Runtime or all licenses are used up on a configured license server. It will then use the first license server it finds that provides a valid license.

For further information about how to add licenses to a virtual host please refer to the Viz Licensing User Guide.