Viz Engine

Version 3.9.2 | Published January 22, 2018 ©

Video Output: Clip Output

In the Video Output: Clip Output panel, configure the available Clip Channel outputs.

Note: If the Viz Engine being configured is installed as a VGA version, this section is not available in Viz Config.


  • Capture Enable: Enable or disable the clip writer functionality. The main use is to give control over host memory resources. When the clip writer functionality is not needed then the clip out channel does not need to be allocated.

  • Pipeline Size: Control the number of frames that the clip writer uses to handle a file. It is recommended to leave the default value.

  • Default Profile: Enter a default profile that can be loaded on request, with the command RENDERER*VIDEO*CLIPOUT*1*PROFILE APPLY. Example:

    # the <self> placeholder gets replaced with the proper RENDERER*VIDEO*CLIPOUT*1
    ClipOut1.profile.default_1 = <self>*CREATE VIDEO_SET On
    ClipOut1.profile.default_2 = <self>*RESOLUTION VIDEO_SET 0 0
    ClipOut1.profile.default_3 = <self>*CONTAINER VIDEO_SET XDCAM_MXF
    ClipOut1.profile.default_4 = <self>*CODEC VIDEO_SET 22
    ClipOut1.profile.default_5 = <self>*OPTION VIDEO_SET AUDIO ch=8
    ClipOut1.profile.default_6 = <self>*OPTION VIDEO_SET TC startTC=10:00:00:00
    ClipOut1.profile.default_7 = <self>*NAME SET d:/out/<base_scene2_name>/<clip_name>

Placeholders for Variables




Expands to the host name


Expands to the IPV4 network address of the first network interface


Expands to the IPV4 network address of the second network interface


Expands to the IPV4 network address of the third network interface


Expands to the complete path of the loaded scene
