Viz Engine

Version 3.9.2 | Published January 22, 2018 ©


Viz Artist and Engine runs on the following platforms:

Viz Artist/Engine version

Operating System


  • Windows 10 (64-bit and 32-bit)

  • Windows Server 2012 R2Windows 7 (64-bit only)

3.8.3, 3.8.2

  • Windows Server 2012 R2

  • Windows 7 (64-bit only)

3.8.1, 3.8.0, 3.7.2

  • Windows Server 2008 R2/SP1 (64bit)

  • Windows 7 (64-bit only)

3.7.1, 3.7.0

  • Windows Server 2008 R2/SP1 (64bit)

  • Windows 7 (64-bit and 32-bit)


  • Windows Server 2008 R2/SP1 (64bit)

  • Windows 7 (64bit).Windows XP SP3 (32bit)

For optimal performance, use the pre-installed Windows image from Vizrt. You can obtain the Windows image files from your local support office.

The following prerequisites apply on all platforms. Applying the changes may require local administrator access rights, new or changing group policy entries, or modifying services. Contact your local IT manager for further instructions.

Environmental settings

Perform all Windows Updates, except hardware driver updates. This is especially important for drivers related to NVIDIA and Matrox hardware, and the Sentinel Hardlock dongle drivers. In addition to this;

  • In Windows 7, the Aero theme must be disabled

  • Turn off balloon tips

  • Turn off windows sounds

  • Turn off AutoPlay

  • Turn off Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service

  • Disable Windows Defender

  • Set Visual Effects to Adjust for best performance. This is set in the Performance Options window; right click the Start button and select System, then select Advanced system settings and click the Settings button in the Performance section.

Hardware and BIOS settings

The following considerations must be made regarding hardware:

Power management settings

Power management and hibernation mode must set to Off. Execute powercfg -h off from the command line to remove hiberfil.sys from the hard disk. In addition to this, set the following under Power Options:

  • Never turn off display

  • Never turn off hard disks

  • Disable USB selective suspend setting

  • Set Power button action to Do nothing. This prevents accidental shutdown in case someone presses the power button by mistake

User rights

The user must have special rights to run Viz Artist and Viz Engine. This can be achieved by assigning local administrator rights to the user, or by explicitly granting the required privileges. See Running Viz Engine and Viz Artist without administrator rights below for further details.

Any hardware solution provided by Vizrt is certified for use with Viz Engine. These come with a predefined default User that has administrator rights on the machine. The default administrator account is as follows:

User name


Account Type



Computer Administrator

IMPORTANT! Make sure that you change this password after initial installation!

To learn more about the different user account types, refer to the Windows operating system documentation, or visit

Running Viz Engine and Viz Artist without administrator rights

There might be restrictions on user rights in some production environments. Although execution of Viz Engine and Viz Artist normally requires local administrator rights, it is possible to manually adjust the rights of the executing user by granting the following four privileges:

  • SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege

  • SeCreateGlobalPrivilege

  • SeCreatePagefilePrivilege

  • SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege

    IMPORTANT! Please contact the local IT manager for further information on how this is handled within the organization.

Anti-Virus software

Anti-Virus software, including end-point protection, can cause various problems such as time-out and performance issues on the Graphic Hub database and other Vizrt machines, as every file is checked. To avoid these problems, make sure to exclude the VizDb.exe process and the underlying Graphic Hub data directory (default D or E drive and folder "VizGHData") in the scan/real-time settings of the Anti-Virus software.

If any Anti-Virus software is used without the above settings, Vizrt cannot guarantee optimal performance, or the long term stability of Vizrt products.

There are hundreds of Anti-Virus software packages on the market. Vizrt does not recommend the use of any specific Anti-Virus software package or version, or give any recommendations on how to setup any Anti-Virus software suites in relation to Vizrt software and machines.

See Also