Viz Engine

Version 3.9.2 | Published January 22, 2018 ©

Supported Software

Viz Engine Software

To run Viz Engine as a program or preview (optional) machine, the following software and configuration is needed:

Viz Engine specifications




  • Extra Viz Artist/Engine 2 or 3 Plug-ins (only for Viz Artist/Engine 2.x)

  • Viz Engine 2.8 PL5 HotFix3, Viz Engine 3.5.1, or later

  • DataPool 2.10 or later

  • Viz World Client 12.0 or later

  • Optional: When used for local preview of video clips from Viz One, Viz Engine must be installed with an MPEG-4 codec and Matroska splitter


License dongle



Ports and Connections

  • 6100 (preview and playout)

  • 14300 (Viz Multiplexer)

  • 50007-50010 (multiplexing)

Network access

  • Mapped drive to VOS still store folder

  • Local preview: Mapped drive to Viz Engine data root

Machines configured for local preview need an OpenGL compatible graphics card and at least 512MB of memory (RAM) in addition to a reasonably new processor. Some graphics features on a preview machine will not be shown exactly as on a Viz Engine renderer. This is limitations in the OpenGL features on the graphics cards, and not related to Vizrt’s software.

Preview Server

The Preview Server option is used in situations where Viz Engine is used to provide frames for snapshot or thumbnail generation. A typical use case would be to connect multiple Newsroom Components to a preview server.

The Preview Server must be installed on a separate Viz Engine machine with its own license.




  • Preview Server 1.0 or later

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4

  • Viz Artist/Engine 2.8, 3.2, or later


License dongle



Ports and Connections

54000: Used to connect over http with the REST interface.

Network access

Uses the ZeroConf protocol to announce available services.

Viz Artist Software

The Viz Artist design machine should preferably have the same specifications as the Viz Engine playout renderer, especially if the designers need to test performance issues on demanding scenes.

If designers are creating templates for Viz Pilot, it is recommended that Viz Pilot is installed on a separate machine for more accurate playout emulation on Viz Engine.

To run Viz Artist, the following software and configuration is needed:




  • Viz Engine 3.5.1 or later, or Viz Engine 2.8 PL5 HotFix3.

  • Viz World Client 12.0 or later.

  • DataPool 2.10 or later Extra Viz Artist/Engine 2 plug-ins (for Viz Artist/Engine 2.x).

  • Optional: Mediaftp and fsmon are used for Viz One integration.

  • Optional: Viz Pilot with Template Wizard, Media Sequencer, Viz Multiplexer and Thumbnail Generator.

  • Note: Viz Engine 2.8 is not compatible with Viz One.


  • viz.exe

  • VizGui.exe

  • vizSend.exe

Ports and Connections

  • TCP: 6100 (preview and playout)

  • 14300 (Viz Multiplexer)

  • 50007-50009 (multiplexing).

Network access

Mapped drive to VOS still store folder and Viz Engine data root.