Viz Vectar Plus User Guide

Version 1.2 | Published April 12, 2022 ©

Introduction to Sessions

Any production involves a specific operating environment. A session is where Viz Vectar Plus stores details of the environment. Configuring a session settings accurately is important. Typical considerations are:

  • What broadcast standard is used in your locale? Is it PAL or NTSC?

  • If your production includes external SDI cameras or similar external SDI sources, how will you connect them to this IP-based system; And what video format do they deliver?

  • If cameras connect over IP, with NDI, are there firewalling considerations?

As you continue, you may make other adjustments relevant to your current production requirements:

  • You might adjust cameras using the Proc Amps provided in the Viz Vectar Plus Input Configuration panel.

  • If your production plans include the use of green screen staging, you will most likely need to adjust the LiveMatte settings for one or more cameras to provide optimal keying.

  • Perhaps you will use Workspace display settings to adjust the preview monitor color characteristics.

  • What are your output device connection preferences?

    • What video mixes and other internal sources do you want to route to which outputs?

    • Do you intend to configure a connection for a projection system? What external audio connections and adjustments are required?

    • You might create a playlist of custom title pages in a media player, along with additional graphic elements for the buffers.

During the course of the actual live production you may perform further fine-tuning, and also add to the media content used in the presentation:

    • You might grab a series of still images from Program output.

    • Or record video clips from the production for replay.

    • And capture the network Stream output as a file.

The list of adjustments, activities and assets involved in a specific production is extensive, a session comprises all these topics. Unless you deliberately delete a session, all session media and settings are ready for immediate recall reuse.

Reopening a session, is like continuing an earlier event. If you return to the same venue another day under similar conditions, reopening your prior session places you ready to start again (although test everything before beginning is recommended).

You can save multiple sessions which simplifies management of files associated with producing unique programs. And different users can save their own individual requirements and preferences.

Smart file locating: Typical sessions include many media clips, along with graphics, titles and buffers. To ensure all required media is available for the session, the system automatically locates the necessary media, even when drive settings have been changed on the system (for example, when a session backup has been restored onto different drives compared to the original setup).