Viz Vectar Plus User Guide

Version 1.2 | Published April 12, 2022 ©

Web Features

This chapter provides information meant to guide you to other resources that introduce the major components and functions of your Viz Vectar Plus system. This may include training resources, friendly and helpful online communities, web-based external control, and more.

Having made the essential connections in the previous section, you’ll want to start your first practical live production session, and skim through some important fundamentals. This would be a good time for us to introduce you to a special feature of your system: Viz Vectar Plus has its very own webpage, delivered to your local network without requiring an external Internet connection.

This section contains information on the following topics:

Password Protection

LivePanel features that control your production over the network can be under password protection.


  • To enable or disable this security feature, or to modify the password, select Administrator Mode from the Shutdown menu on the main menu in the Launch screen.


Viz Vectar Plus' local webpage system features a helpful Resources page.

In addition to the Resources page, you will find pages listing system keystroke shortcuts, as well as a reference to system architecture.


  • Click the Notifications icon (upper-right in the Dashboard at the top of the Live Desktop), and then click Web Browser to view the webpage in a local browser.


Important: This view is provided so you can preview the LivePanel features. It is not intended that you use the LivePanel web apps in a browser running on the local Viz Vectar Plus system.

  • To view the LivePanel webpages externally, connect any suitable device to the same network, open a web browser and navigate to the URL shown beside the Web Browser button.

Tip: Access to LivePanel does not require an external Internet connection, though some of the links provided on the Resources page will fail without one.

For further details see section LivePanel.