Viz Vectar Plus User Guide

Version 1.2 | Published April 12, 2022 ©


Live webcasting has dramatically altered the broadcast landscape. Information can now be shared among audiences around the world with very small transmission costs. The live streaming market provides many creative and profitable opportunities. When it comes to taking advantage of this new medium, Viz Vectar Live Production places you in the forefront of these developments.

Encoding for A/V streaming and other purposes involves a wide variety of attributes.

  • You can maintain multiple streaming service accounts for different purposes.

  • Captured encoded video files can be repurposed.

    Note: Your account login details may be required for your streaming service or CDN (Content Delivery Network).

The Viz Vectar Plus Streaming Configuration panel supports the creation and configuration of all of the information and settings you are likely to need in this context.


This section presents these Stream/Encode topics and procedures: