Viz World User Guide
Version 17.0 | Published March 11, 2019 ©
Cache Configuration
When working with Viz World in a server/client environment, a cache is used to reduce the load time of scenes in Viz. The cache is a shared network storage folder, common to all Viz Engines in the system. The cache is managed by the Viz Engine machines.
Note: In complex environments, Viz Engine machines can be grouped so a different cache is defined for each group.
This section contains information on the following topics:
Map data flow
The maps data stored in the cache is produced by the Viz Engine machines, running World Map Editor applications. When WoC is launched, it connects to the server and enables the user to select a map and add information to the map. When the user accepts the selected map (by pressing the OK button in the maps editor (WME)), the map information will be sent to the scene (and to the relevant WoC plugins used in the scene) from the server. WoC plugins will load the received data and then store it in the cache. Now, when a scene is initialized, the WoC plugins will look for the data in the cache and load it, without connecting to the server.
Since the most time-consuming task in this process is generating the maps, using the cache reduces that time to a minimum and the maps are generated only once.
Note: Before setting a cache folder in a server/client environment, a shared network drive, mapped on all Viz Engine client machines should be created. The cache folder is defined on the shared drive, so all machines will have access to the cache.
Cache Location
The following are some simple guidelines that will ensure caching is optimized when using one or several Viz Engines.
One: Set the cache location local to that renderer.
Two or more: Set the cache location to the map server (or other shared network drive) so that one renderer is not favored over others.
Defining the Cache
The client cache is defined using Viz Engine’s configuration tool (Viz Config). When configuring the cache environment make sure that the following parameters are identical on all Viz machines:
Cache Directory
On Disk (Days)
Tip: Control clients should have their cache location(s) set to the same location as defined by the Viz Engine(s).
To configure the cache directory
Start Viz Config or open the configuration interface by clicking the Config button on the main menu in Viz Artist
Select the Maps section
Set the Cache Directory to the defined shared network drive and the folder used as the cache’s main folder
Note: The Cache Directory has to be identical on all Viz Engines that share the cache. UNC paths are also supported.
Set the Memory (Images) to the required value (default is 32). This parameter defines the maximum number of map images stored in Viz memory when initializing a playlist
IMPORTANT! Set the number of images to zero (or a low value) on control machines used in the system. The control machines are inferior to Viz Engine machines and it makes no sense to load a large number of images when it is only used for preview.
Set the On Disk (days) parameter to the maximum number of days that the images will be stored in the cache. When Viz is launched, it will clean the cached map images that are older than the value defined in the On Disk (days) parameter
Click Save
To configure the 2nd cache directory
Start Viz Config or open the configuration interface by clicking the Config button on the main menu in Viz Artist
Select the Maps section
Set the 2nd Cache Directory to your local computer or a defined shared network drive and the folder used as the cache’s main folder
Optional: Enable network monitoring
Click Save
See Also
Cache Folder Structure
When using cache in a client/server configuration, WoC plugins will manage the cache and sort generated data in several folders under the cache folder. The cache folder hierarchy is created automatically. Only the cache root directory is configured in Viz. The defined cache folder for all clients is the root cache folder. Under the root cache folder, a version sub folder is created using the WoC plugins version. Under each version folder, several sub folders are created, according to the requested data:
3DLine-Cache: Stores lines from the WME as OpenGL vertices.
3DBorder-Plugin-Cache: Stores selected borders based on the Region-Cache data.
3DRegion-Plugin-Cache: Stores selected regions based on the Region-Cache data.
AtlasCacheFolder: Stores Downloaded images from Microsoft to enable a smooth animation and faster response time during navigation. Images are stored under sub-folders according to the texture compression used.
BorderManagerFullWorld-Cache: Stores unselected borders based on the Region-Cache data.
CWMClient-Cache: Stores map images and label information that is reused by Viz when loading the scene.
Region-Cache: Stores region vector data.
Street-Cache: Stores street vector data.
StreetManager-Cache: Stores unselected streets based on the Street-Cache data.
Note: The 3DBorder, 3Dregion and BorderManagerFullWorld cache is based on Region-Cache data after a projection is set, and converted to an OpenGL format.
Example: The country Norway will only have one cache file under Region-Cache (since there is only one Norway), but could have many under other folders with different projections.
General Caching Rules
The CWMClient-Cache folder is cleaned when Viz is launched (any of the Viz Engines using the cache), according to the On Disk parameter value.
The data in the cache folders (except for the CWMClient cache) are not deleted when cleaning the cache since it does not change and it can be reused all the time.
See Also
Caching - Viz Trio
This section describes Viz Trio specific commands/actions that influence how map data is cached when Loading pages, Initializing all pages and performing a Direct Take.
IMPORTANT! Set the same cache directory for the local Viz, and program and preview channels.
Loading pages
Opening a scene for preview generates all cache files needed for the scene in the file cache. Any change to the page through Viz Trio (CWM location, hop locations, labels, selected regions and so on), immediately generates all required cache files. When pressing Take, Viz Engine will load to memory all needed map cacheable elements through the file cache that the preview machine just generated without the need to connect to the map server.
Note: Applies only if both of them have same cache folder.
Initializing all pages
The Initialize All button/command will load all scenes to memory (program & preview renderers). All necessary map data will be loaded from the cache files.
Note: It is assumed that each page has been loaded in preview once before, and that cache files have been created.
Direct Take
The Direct Take button/command will immediately load the scene into Viz Engine. All necessary map data will be loaded from the cache files that the preview has generated once.
Note: It is assumed that each page has been loaded in preview once before, and that cache files have been created.
See Also
Caching - Viz Pilot
Caching of map data can be achieved by running Viz Pilot’s Thumbnail Generator on the same machine as your Viz Engine.
See the Viz Pilot User Guide on how to setup and configure the Thumbnail Generator.
When running Viz Pilot in a non-preview configuration, any change to any map element that requires caching will not create cache files. This will result in longer loading time of the Viz Engine because data maps, labels and polygon data has to be requested from the map server. It is important to request at least a single image preview, such that cache files will be created.
IMPORTANT! If you are running a local Viz, set the same cache directory for the local Viz as for the program and preview channels.
See Also