Viz World User Guide
Version 17.0 | Published March 11, 2019 ©
Ports and Connections
The following describes all connections and default listening port numbers that are important for any system/network administrator to know of. However, it is, if possible, recommended to run the system on a network without firewalls.
102 (TCP) is a Viz World Server listener port for Viz World Client connections when Server Allocator is not in use or only has one Viz World Server running.
103 (TCP) is a Viz World Server listener port for configuration tool connections to the first Viz World Server instance (as configurations are controlled by the first server instance).
10100 (TCP) is a Server Allocator listener port for Viz World Client connections, and is only used in order for clients to get connection details about Viz World Server(s). The first client connection will always be diverted to port 102. In case of Multiple server instances port numbers are assigned according to a predefined schema. In case there is no Server Allocator, Viz World Server will itself switch to port 102.
10100 (UDP) is a Viz World Server listener port for Server Allocator communication.
10200 (UDP) is a Server Allocator listener port for Viz World Server communication.
Both UDP ports are internal ports used between the servers.
Multiple server instances
If a machine is running multiple Viz World Server instances every extra instance (second and above) opens other ports by this formula:
Viz World Server listener port (TCP): 10100 + ID – 1.
Server Allocator listener port (UDP): 10200 + ID – 1 (this is an internal port between servers) (where ID indicates the instance, e.g. 3rd server, ID = 3).
If four Viz World Server instances are configured, the following listener ports will be used:
102 (TCP): 1st instance
10101 (TCP): 2nd instance
10102 (TCP): 3rd instance
10103 (TCP): 4th instance
10100 (TCP) : Viz World Client(s) connection to the Server Allocator.
103 (TCP): Configuration tool connection to the Viz World Server.
Internal ports used by Server Allocator and Viz World Server(s) to communicate between themselves:
10100 (UDP): Server Allocator
10200 (UDP): 1st instance
10201 (UDP): 2nd instance
10202 (UDP): 3rd instance
10203 (UDP): 4th instance