Viz World User Guide
Version 17.0 | Published January 08, 2019 ©
Customer Support Request
Support Requests are supported by Vizrt if Customers have a valid Service Agreement in operation. Customers who do not have a Service Agreement and would like to set up a Service Agreement should contact their regional sales representative (see Customer Feedback and Suggestions).
When submitting a Support Request relevant and correct information should be given to Vizrt Support, to make sure that Vizrt Support can give the quickest and best solution to your Support Request.
This section contains information on the following topics:
Before Submitting a Support Request
Before a Support Request is submitted make sure that you:
The relevant User Guide or Guides (see Related Documents).
The release notes
and Check:
That the system is configured correctly
That you have the specified hardware, tested and recommended versions
Always refer to your Vizrt Service Level Agreement document.
Submitting a Support Request
When completing a Support Request, add as much information as possible.
Content of a Support Request
The report should contain information about these topics:
Problem description: Include a good description of what the problem is and how to reproduce it. Remember to use simple English.
Screen shots and illustrations: Use to simplify the message, and/or
Scene archive: Use the scene to demonstrate the issue.
System log files: Send the System Log Files.
System dump files: Send the system dump files from the crash (e.g. Viz Artist program folder <viz install directory>).
Note: Check: If the operating system is Windows 7 and up, dump files can be stored at: <userdir>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\<viz install directory> (check user rights).
System Config file: Send the system config file (e.g. Viz Artist program folder <viz install directory>).
Note: If the operating system is Windows 7 and up, the config file can be stored at: <userdir>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\<install_directory> (check user rights).
Software configuration: Add exact versions of software (-build) used.
Hardware configuration: Add exact versions of hardware (-build) used.
System setup: Describe differences in the installation, if any, from the recommended setup.
System Network: Add a description of how the network, bandwidth, routers, and switches are configured.
Always refer to your Vizrt Service Level Agreement document.
To submit the Support Request:
On the www.vizrt.com page, click on Support.
Click on Report a case.
Click on LOG IN to login to the Customer and Partner portal.
At the top of the Case Management page, click on Report a Case.
In the online form complete the required minimum information (shown by a red asterisk) and click SAVE.
In the saved Support Case that opens, complete the various text boxes and upload any required documents, files, etc. (see Content of a Support Request).
To track the status of open support tickets, login to the Customer and Partner portal. Add information or communicate about the cases directly with the support team.
System Log Files
The location of Viz log files is shown in the Viz Configuration, Local Settings.
Check the Log Directory path (1) for the Viz Log files location.
If the path is empty the log files will be located in the Viz Artist program folder <viz install directory>.
Note: Check: If the operating system is Windows 7 and up, log files can be stored at: <userdir>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\<install_directory> (Check user rights).
Viz Render Log
Name: VizRender_<timestamp>.log
Purpose: Information on current status of the engine
Viz Trace Log
Name: VizTrace_<timestamp>.vlog
Purpose: Command trace that facilitates playback for error reproduction, contains at most the last 500 commands
Viz Gui Log
Name: VizGui_<version>.log
Purpose: Information on Viz Gui errors
Viz Shaders Log
Name: VizShaders.log
Purpose: Information on shader compilation
Viz Console Log
Name: Viz_<timestamp>.log
Purpose: Log console output to a file when the engine is started without console (-C option)
Viz Gui Connection Log
This Log is created if ‘Write GH Connection Log’ is active (see Viz Configuration, Local Settings).
Name: VizGuiConnection<timestamp>.log
Purpose: Information on the Viz Graphic Hub database connection