Viz Mosart Administrator Guide
Version 5.6 | Published July 22, 2024 ©
ActiveX is superseded by the Mosart Web Apps NRCS Plugin
Rather than using the legacy ActiveX feature, journalists can now use the Mosart Web Apps NRCS Plugin to insert and customize Viz Mosart template information into their NRCS script.
From within their NRCS, the journalist searches for a Viz Mosart template, customize the content, then drag and drop it into their script.
When the script is saved, information is pushed to Manus Administrator creating a corresponding entry in the active rundown in the Viz Mosart GUI.
The Mosart Web Apps NRCS Plugin must be connected to your Viz Mosart Server.
Connection is handled in a simple configuration wizard at Web App installation, offering one of two connection choices:
The Template Database.
Directly to the Viz Mosart Server.
For more information, see the latest Mosart Web Applications Guide.
For details of the legacy ActiveX connection, please refer to pre-5.4 versions of this Viz Mosart Administrator Guide.