Viz Mosart Administrator Guide
Version 5.6 | Published July 22, 2024 ©
Audio Mixer Configuration Files
These config files are initially located in the Viz Mosart Server installation folder in a sub folder, Configuration Files.
For operations, you copy the file to "%ProgramData%/
See also Audio.
Calrec TCP/IP Configuration File
The Calrec TCP/IP configuration file is named AudioMixerCalrec.xml.
Please see the file for the available settings and their documentation .
SSL Configuration File
The SSL configuration file is the same as used for Calrec TCP/IP Configuration File.
Please see the file for the available settings and their documentation .
Lawo Ember+ Configuration File
The Lawo Ember+ configuration file is named AudioMixerLawoEmberPlus.xml.
Please see the file for the available settings and their documentation .
Ardour Configuration File
The Ardour configuration file is named AudioMixerArdour.xml.
Please see the file for the available settings and their documentation .
MidiMixer Configuration File
The MidiMixer configuration file is named AudioMixerMidiMixer.xml.
Please see the file for the available settings and their documentation .
General Audio Mixer Configuration File
For the other audio mixers, those not specifically mentioned above, there is a general configuration file named AudioMixerConfiguration.xml.
Please see the file for the available settings and their documentation .
Note: In the default version of this file, there are some settings specific for the Lawo RMNOPL audio mixer driver.