Viz Mosart Administrator Guide

Version 5.6 | Published July 22, 2024 ©

Robotic Camera Configuration Files

This section contains the Robotic Camera types:

All configuration files are by default stored at C:\Program Files (x86)\Mosart Medialab\Mosart Server\ConfigurationFiles\. Please refer to the Note in Device Configuration Files for information on copying the files before changing.


Specific Shotoku parameters are found in RoboticCameraConfiguration.xml.

You can control behavior of the connection to Shotoku when switching Viz Mosart from main to backup, or at an AVA restart. Ensure the following properties are managed in the configuration file:

  • ShotokuForwardStandbyCommands (boolean) - If set to true, standby state will be forwared to Shotoku controller. Default false.

  • ShotokuDisableHeartbeat (boolean) - If set to true, the heartbeat mechanism is disabled. Default true.

  • ShotokuDisconnectInStandby (boolean) - If set to true, disconnect controller when in standby. Default false.

The above settings govern the two situations:

  1. Whether the sending of a disable command (when AVA restarts or when the active Mosart server is switched) to the Shotoku controller will block all automation commands until an enable command is received.

  2. Whether instead of timing-out, Mosart shall stay connect to the Shotoku controller when in standby/idle.

In addition, the HeartbeatInterval property also applies to Shotoku. Refer to the configuration for file for information.


Specific FxMotion parameters are found in RoboticCameraConfiguration.xml. Refer to the configuration for file for information.

  • HeartbeatInterval

  • FxMotionReceiveTimeout

Vinten 200 Radamec

Specific Vinten 200 Radamec parameters are found in RoboticCameraConfiguration.xml. Refer to the configuration for file for information.

  • HeartbeatInterval

  • Vinten200ShowFilterValue

  • Vinten200DisconnectInStandby

  • Vinten200MinSendInterval

Cambotics Configuration File

The integration between Viz Mosart and Cambotics Camera Robotics Control Systems supports moving to a stored position. Camera Robotics control is handled by AV Automation.

For details on the Cambotics (Ross CamBot) Protocol, refer to the product documentation written by Ross Video (

The Cambotics configuration file is located in the program-folder under \Mosart Medialab\Mosart server\ConfigurationFiles\CamboticsConfiguration.xml.

The following configurations are available:

  • Heartbeat: (keep connection alive) interval: Default 2000 ms.

  • Connection timeout: Default 1500 ms.

  • ConnectionAttempts: Default 5 tries.

  • ConnectionDelay: Default 60000 ms.

    Note: To integrate with Cambotics (Ross Cambot) Camera Robotics, you must also configure it in Camera Robotics. Select the router protocol CAMBOTICS, set the IP address of the camera controller, and the Port number (default is set to 2050).

    Note: For more information on setting up templates for Cambotics, see the section on Robotic Camera Control in the Viz Mosart User Guide.

Cinneo Configuration File

Cinneo configuration is contained within the general device configuration file DeviceConfig.xml.

<item name="cinneoSceneFileTimeout" value="30000" />
  • cinneoSceneFileTimeout: The value is given in milliseconds.

Technodolly Configuration File

The Technodolly configuration file is named TechnodollyConfig.xml.

<DeviceConfig name="TechnodollyConfiguration" connectionString="localhost">
<!-- Connection parameters, may be overridden -->
<item name="Port" value="15243" />
<item name="HeartbeatInterval" value="20" />
<item name="MaxQueueLength" value="2" />
<item name="ProtectInPreview" value="cut,move" />
<item name="ProtectInProgram" value="-" />
  • Port: Contains the default value, it is not used.

  • HeartbeatInterval: Defines how often Viz Mosart should check if the connection to Technodolly is OK. The value is given in seconds.

  • MaxQueueLength: Restricts queuing of commands to Technodolly. A value of 1 means only one prepare or one run. A value of 2 means one prepare and/or one run. A value greater than 2 means no queuing restrictions.

  • ProtectInPreview: Defines which commands should not be sent to Technodolly in preview when a mixer cross-point is protected. Valid values are "-" for none, "cut" for prepare, "move" for run, and "cut,move" for both prepare and run.

  • ProtectInProgram: Defines which commands should not be sent to Technodolly in program when a mixer cross-point is protected. The values have the same meaning as for ProtectInPreview.

Panasonic (serial) Configuration File

The Panasonic configuration file (used for PANASONIC and PANASONICNEW) is named PanasonicConfiguration.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<DeviceConfig name="PanasonicConfiguration">
<!-- Connection parameters, may be overridden -->
<item name="HeartbeatInterval" value="2000" />
<item name="DisableHeartbeat" value="false" />
  • HeartbeatInterval: Time between heartbeats, in milliseconds. Integer >= 0. Default = 2.

  • DisableHeartbeat: If false, heartbeats are sent. This checks the connection and sends a keep alive message to the controller. If true, no heartbeats are sent. Default = False.

Panasonic TCP Configuration File

The Panasonic TCP configuration file is named PanasonicTcpConfiguration.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<DeviceConfig name="PanasonicConfiguration" connectionString="localhost">
<!-- Connection parameters, may be overridden -->
<!--Whether to disable pings. If true, pings are still sent if no response is received for a request.-->
<item name="DisablePing" value="false" />
<!--The path component of the Request-URI. Do not change.-->
<item name="Path" value="cgi-bin/aw_cam" />
<!--Time between pings in ms-->
<item name="PingInterval" value="2000" />
<!--In case of connection loss, a ping will be sent after this many ms-->
<item name="ReconnectInterval" value="1000" />
<!--The number of ms to wait for a response for a Ping command-->
<item name="TimeoutPing" value="500"/>
<!--The number of ms to wait for a response for a SelectPort command-->
<item name="TimeoutSelectPort" value="10"/>
<!--The number of ms to wait for a response for a PlayPreset command-->
<item name="TimeoutPlayPreset" value="10"/>
  • DisablePing: Whether to disable pings. If true, pings are still sent if no response is received for a request.

  • Path: The path component of the Request-URI. Do not change.

  • PingInterval: Time between pings in ms.

  • ReconnectInterval: In case of connection loss, a ping will be sent after this many ms.

  • TimeoutPing: The number of ms to wait for a response for a Ping command.

  • TimeoutSelectPort: The number of ms to wait for a response for a SelectPort command.

  • TimeoutPlayPreset: The number of ms to wait for a response for a PlayPreset command.

Electric Friends Configuration File

The configuration file for Electric Friends should be saved as ElectricFriendsConfiguration.xml normally stored in C:\ChannelTemplates

Note: For more information on setting up templates in AV Automation, see the section on Robotic Camera Control in the Viz Mosart User Guide.

Example configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF\-8"?>}}{{
<DeviceConfig name="ElectricFriendsConfiguration" connectionString="localhost">}} {{
<Properties>}} {{
<!\-- Connection parameters, may be overridden \-->}} {{
<item name="HeartbeatInterval" value="2000" />}} {{
<!\-- Time between heartbeats in ms \-->}} {{
<item name="PollDataInterval" value="10000" />}} {{
<!\-- Time between renewing list of shows, cameras and shots, in ms \-->}} {{
<item name="UseJsonWorkaround" value="true" />}} {{
<!\-- Early development. Timed move command needs a workaround for correct response to server. Please let the value remain true \-->}} {{
<item name="PollRunningStatus" value="200" />}} {{
<!\-- Time between polls in ms. This will check to see if camera movement is finished before starting a new move \-->}} {{
<item name="PollTimeout" value="5000" />}} {{
<!\-- Time the poll is allowed to run before ignoring the play command, in ms \-->}} {{
<item name="DefaultPort" value="9000" />}} {{
<!\-- If no port is set, use this value. The ElectricFriends default port is 9000 \-->}} {{