Viz World User Guide

Version 17.0 | Published March 11, 2019 ©

Software Requirements

To run the Viz World Client and Server, the following software is required:

  • Viz World Client (Map Editor) 17.0

  • Viz World Server 17.0 - It is recommended to install the server on a separate machine.

  • Viz World database 17.0

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or later is required for the Map Designer, Map Builder and World Map Editor.

For graphics design the following software and version numbers are needed.

  • Viz Artist 3.6 or later

For a newsroom/control room the following application versions are required:

  • Viz Trio 2.12 or later

  • Viz Pilot 5.7 or later

  • Media Sequencer 1.23 or later