Viz Engine Administrator Guide

Version 3.12 | Published October 17, 2019 ©

RTP Streaming

Viz Engine can send and receive RTP streams by using DSX Core or the Matrox M264 board.

Note: RTP streaming requires a Mezzanine IP license! Currently only progressive formats are supported.

Receiving RTP Streams

The following configuration needs to be set to configure for RTP Stream Input:

  • GPUDirect should be turned Off.

  • use_compositor should be 0.

  • An NTP server must be set. e.g.

  • The color conversion rgb_2_yuv should be set to shader (=1).

  • The stream input should be set to e.g. 720P_5000_SMPTE296.

  • The StreamIn1.SrcUdpPort needs to be set to an even port number (e.g. 20000).

    Note: The port number should always be even.

  • StreamIn1.SrcAddress is the senders IP number.

  • StreamIn1.NICAddress is the IP address of your local network interface card that is going to receive the stream.

  • StreamIn1.AudioDecoderBufferSize should be set to 255.

  • StreamIn1.VideoDecoderBufferSize should be set to 255.

To simulate a 720p RTP stream to, you can use ffmpeg with the following parameters:

ffmpeg.exe -re -f lavfi -i smptehdbars=s=1280x720:r=50[out0] -c:v libx264 -profile:v high422 -pix_fmt yuv422p -x264-params "nal-hrd=cbr" -b:v 20M -minrate 10M -maxrate 10M -bufsize 10M -c:a aac -ac 2 -f rtp_mpegts -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb rtp://

This generates a test pattern in 720p and sends it to on port 20000.

Sending RTP Streams

These are the required settings to generate a RTP Stream output from Viz Engine:

  • Set the output system to e.g. 720P_5000_SMPTE296.

  • GPUDirect should be turned Off.

  • use_compositor should be 0.

  • An NTP server must be set (e.g.

  • The color conversion rgb_2_yuv should be set to shader (=1).

  • Matrox0.VideoOut1.SrcUdpPort should be set to an even port number (e.g. 10000).

    Note: The port number should always be even.

  • Matrox0.VideoOut1.DstUdpPort is the destination port you want to use (e.g. 10002).

  • Matrox0.VideoOut1.DstAddress is the destination IP address you want to send to.

  • Matrox0.VideoOut1.NetworkInterfaceIPAddress must be your local NIC IP address.

To verify the correct output, you can use ffplay from ffmpeg tools:

ffplay rtp://{source IP of your Viz Engine}:{destination port} e.g. ffplay rtp://