Viz Artist
Version 3.10 | Published May 03, 2018 ©
CFX Plus Plus
The Container FX Plus Plus plug-in allows you to set a number of effects on a container’s set.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> ContainerFx
This section contains information on the following topics:
CFX Plus Plus Properties
Position Wrap
Extrapolate: Above 100% or below 0% of Path Position will continue the direction of the spline.
Clamp: Will stop the string on the spline endpoints.
Repeat: Will cause the string to move to the other spline endpoint as soon as it moves over the endpoint.
ContainerFx: Will position containers by the relative spline of each container using the ContainerFx parameters.
Scheme Type: Defines how the container-set will look at 0% and 100% progress.
In -> In: at 0% first container will be at the beginning of the spline, at 100% last container will be at the end of the spline.
In -> Out: at 0% first container will be at the beginning of the spline, at 100% first container will be at the end of the spline.
Out -> In: at 0% last container will be at the beginning of the spline, at 100% first container will be at the end of the spline.
Out -> Out: at 0% last container will be at the beginning of the spline, at 100% last container will be at the end of the spline.
Progress (%): Animates the progress of the effect(s).