Viz Artist
Version 3.10 | Published May 03, 2018 ©
Control Payload
Control Payload distributes a whole payload to children Control plug-ins.
Example: Social TV (Feed Streamer) uses this plug-in to send payload fields from a Data Hub to Viz Engine.
If the payload value is empty, the Container is hidden.
This section contains the following topics:
Control Payload Properties
Text Entry Box: Data from external application (for example Viz Trio, Social TV (Feed Streamer)) to send the payload. Example:
<payload xmlns=
<field name=
<value>It\qs Valentine\qs Day, how you doin\q? </value>
<field name=
<value>Hate it! Worst holiday ever|Love it! Wish it were every day|Thanks
the reminder, need to buy roses</value>
<field name=
See Also