Viz Artist
Version 3.10 | Published May 03, 2018 ©
EVSControl plug-in
The EVSControl plug-in allows an EVS video server to be controlled from the Viz Engine (like a tape deck over RS422). This gives the ability to load and control playback of EVS video server clips.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Scene plug-ins -> Libero
This section contains information on the following topics:
EVSControl Properties
Various EVSControl plug-in settings can be modified in Viz Artist from Scene plug-in pane:
Note: Do not change OUT parameters manually or using a script.
Debug: Toggle to enable more debug output on the console
Serial Port (COMx): The serial port to be used for controlling the EVS.
Initialize: Click to initialize the Controller. Without initialization, the plug-in does not work.
EVS Clip ID: The ID of the EVS clip to be loaded. The value must match the format “PBCK/MM” where:
P = Page number (1-9)
B = Bank number (1-9)
C = Clip number (1-9)
K = Camera letter (A-F)
MM = EVS Machine number (00, 01, etc.), where 00 is the local EVS.
Load Clip: Click to load the clip shown in the “EVS Clip ID” field
Clip loaded: Shows when the Load Clip was clicked to confirm the clip was loaded.
Clip IN: The IN time code of the successfully loaded clip (Format hh:mm:ss:ff)
Clip OUT: The OUT time code of the successfully loaded clip (Format hh:mm:ss:ff)
Clip Duration: The duration of the successfully loaded clip in milliseconds
Stop: Stops play back
Play: Starts play back
TC Hour: The time code hour value for the “Goto TC” action
TC Minute: The time code minute value for the “Goto TC” action
TC Second: The time code second value for the “Goto TC” action
TC Field: The time code frame value for the “Goto TC” action
Goto TC: Click to go to the time code shown by the above fields
Get TC: Get the current timecode
Current TC: The value of the “Get TC” action
Clip Loaded Successfully
If a clip has been loaded successfully, the EVSControl plug-in editor will show:
the ‘Clip loaded (out)’ flag is set.
the ‘Clip IN (out)’ shows the Clip IN timecode.
the ‘Clip OUT (out)’ shows the Clip OUT timecode.
the ‘Clip Duration (out)’ shows the Clip length in milliseconds.
EVS goes to IN timecode of clip.
To Go to a Specific Time Code
Enter the hour, minute, second, and frame in the fields:
TC Hour
TC Minute
TC Second
TC Field
Click on the Goto TC button
To Get the Current Time Code
Click on the Get TC button
The current Time Code is shown in the Current TC field.
Example Scenes
The plug-in comes with two example scenes:
One shows a slider to scrub a clip
The other shows scanning for clips and creating clip buttons for playback control