Viz Artist
Version 3.10 | Published May 03, 2018 ©
Data Storage
The Data Storage plug-in stores data in the current Scene and sends it to the other plug-ins on startup. This plug-in helps artists during Scene design if there is no data source available, and to hold data within, for example, the Scene (see ).
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> VisualDataTools
This section contains information on the following topics:
Data Storage Properties
Shared Mem.: Change between Scene, Global and Distributed Shared Memory. Use Inactive memory to not forward any values via Shared Memory
Key Data 1-5: Shared Mem. key name
Data 1-5: Contains (separated) data
Resend Data: Resend the actual values
To Store and Send Data
Create a chart scene, e.g. using the Line Chart plug-in and set Shared Mem. to Scene
Add the Data Storage plug-in to the scene and set Shared Mem. to Scene
Open the DataStorage editor and set the following parameters:
Shared Mem. to Scene
Key Data1 to Data1
Data1 to 10, 20, 15, 30, 25, 40, 20
Open the Chart plug-in editor and set the Key DataY value (e.g. Data1) using the Key Data1 value you set for the DataStorage plug-in
Note: The chart plug-ins have different property names (e.g. Data and Key Data). Also, some have X, Y or Z appended at the end, defining the axis.
Open the DataStorage editor and click the Resend Data button
To Enable Data Input from External Sources
The following example builds on the previous example.
Add the Control Parameter to the scene tree
The Control Object plug-in is automatically added
Open the Control Parameter editor
Enter FUNCTION*DataStorage*Data1 into the Parameter field
Set Data Type to Text
This will allow you to pass a string of numbers to the Control Parameter plug-in that will be stored in the shared memory (see ).
It will also allow your template designer or operator to further extend/enhance the input methods through e.g. scripting.