Viz Ticker User Guide

Version 3.1 | Published May 27, 2020 ©

Listing and Triggering Actions

The generic API call format to list all Ticker actions is:

GET http://[host]:[port]/actions


curl -X GET http://localhost:8580/actions

Receive formatted XML:

curl -X GET | tidy -xml -i -w 0

Controlling the Ticker Actions with REST Calls

Assuming you have a Ticker on program with a Ticker carousel named NEWS you can switch the system On with:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8580/actions/Main%20ticker%20system%20on curl -X POST http://localhost:8580/actions/Main%20program%20on curl -X POST http://localhost:8580/actions/Main%20NEWS%20in

And you can turn the ticker Off with:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8580/actions/Main%20NEWS%20out curl -X POST http://localhost:8580/actions/Main%20program%20off curl -X POST http://localhost:8580/actions/Main%20ticker%20system%20off

An alternative to curl is to use a browser to parse the received XML for actions, as illustrated in the screenshot below using Firefox:
