Viz World Classic User Guide

Version 23.0 | Published December 12, 2023 ©

Reuse Design Elements

Reuse of Stylesheets

Careful design of the styles you wish to use can greatly increase the speed at which high-quality maps can be created by a group of users. Users just need to select the correct style, and they can then create maps without having to be concerned with the design or appearance.

Reuse of Layers

You can use templates to provide users with an initial set of layers for use in the maps they are creating. For example, if the users are creating maps, all of which contain the same logo and headline text, you could create a template containing the appropriate image and text layers.

Reuse of Navigator Presets

Templates include the Navigator presets, which are a quick way of defining a map’s position and scale. If you frequently use a small number of set map settings you can save these as a preset in a project template and make them available to all users.