Viz World Classic User Guide
Version 23.0 | Published December 12, 2023 ©
Working with Images and Movies
This chapter contains information on the following topics:
Viz World Classic supports a wide range of alternative image and movie formats, summarized in the table below.
Note: Viz World Classic 64-bit version does not support movies added as layers.
Extension |
Format |
.avi |
Video for Windows movie |
.bmp |
Windows bitmap |
.cin |
Kodak Cineon image |
.cmr |
Curious Multi-Resolution bitmap image |
.exr |
OpenEXR image |
.dpx |
DPX image |
.gif |
Graphic Interchange Format |
.iff |
Alias/Wavefront Paint Image |
.jpg or jp2 |
JPEG compressed image |
.mov |
QuickTime movie |
.ntf |
National Imagery Transmission Format |
.sid |
MrSID multi-resolution image (PC only) |
.psd |
Adobe Photoshop image (supports transparency) |
.pct |
Macintosh PICT |
.png |
Portable Network Graphics (supports transparency, paletted, grayscale, and true-color images) |
.sgi or .rgb |
Silicon Graphics Image (supports transparency) |
.tga |
Targa bitmap |
.tif or .tiff |
Tiff bitmap format |
.qtif |
QuickTime image |
Curious Multi-Resolution Format
Viz World Classic provides the proprietary CMR (Curious Multi-Resolution) image format, which allows very large images to be included in maps without the memory overhead normally associated with images in the standard file formats. CMR formatted images can be used in any context where an image file can be specified, including in image layers and as textures for maps. For example, satellite images and high-resolution photographs can be used to fill a region of a map. When you zoom in close, an appropriate high-resolution tile of the image is loaded, avoiding the need to have the whole high-resolution image loaded at all times.
An optional Convert Large Images tool allows you to convert an image into CMR format from any of the common file formats including Photoshop, TIFF, and BMP.
Cineon Files
Viz World Classic includes support for Cineon files, which use a logarithmic color space to provide a better representation of dark colors. Because Viz World Classic works in a linear color space, it allows you to specify how Cineon files are handled on loading and saving.
On the View menu, click Options....
In the Preferences dialog box select Cineon in the File Formats section. The following options are provided:
No conversion: The images are left in logarithmic space, so loading them and saving them again makes no alteration to the pixel values in the files. You can use the Viewer LUT Controls option to compensate for the darker appearance of Cineon files when working with them in the Viewer.
Convert to/from linear : Converts Cineon files from the logarithmic color space to the linear color space on load, and back again on save. An allow headroom option varies the conversion so that overexposed images retain more detail in the very bright overexposed regions.